Monday 19 April 2010

wind shelf . .

beautiful simple curves on this


Paula said...

I love it. How gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it. Paula

Anthropomorphica said...

Ruthie, what a great find!!!

Jasmine said...

This is lovely. Congratulations to your lucky winner too xxJ

JJ said...

Sorry, I have to repeat myself. The sheer limitlessness of the imagination has me constantly amazed. This is so simple and beautiful, but who would ever have thought to make it? Somebody did.

Giallo Antico said...

Truly imaginative and innovative! Thanks for sharing! :)

Michelle said...

Oooooh, I love it! It really does convey the wind.

Artemisia said...

Never seen before! Very light and natural, a great idea!

A mermaid in the attic said...

Beautiful idea...that's one that's going into my 'dream house' folder! JJ, that's what's so wonderful about the's like magic, the ability to imagine the impossible and the non-existent...and then make it possible. That's how civilisations get built, and it's what gives me hope for humanity's long as we can still imagine a better future, we can change ourselves and we can build it!

Richard Jesse Watson said...

Nice, Ruthie. Form usually ought to follow function, but in the case of this "wind shelf", surely the "function" is to inspire and delight. So the form *is* following in the slip stream of that higher function.

Róisín said...

Where do you find all these amazing and beautiful things Ruthie? You never fail to reveal some new treasure everyday. And I second mermaid in the attic, definitly one for the dream home file.

Soozcat said...

Wow. That is a small example of perfection.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting shelf! Love it!

Shirl x

JJ said...

Good point, Richard. I agree.

Ruthie Redden said...

Christina, i so agree with you

Richard, perfectly put. I am so often astounded at the ugliness or mundane nature of design, surely we should be surrounded by beauty, there really is no excuse.

Cobalt Violet said...

Love this ... who knew a shelf could be so delicate and sensual?