Thursday 12 January 2012

Moon gazing . . .

"moon games"
a wonderous set of images from someone who 
seems to have grasped the magic of the moon
amateur astronomer now a photographer
His new book, Quartier libre,
has a collection of 19 moon pictures
and for each a calligram, written by different authors.

He is also a part of the team associated with this lovely The world at night
full of links to more wonderful night sky images.


Victoria said...

Beautiful....very magical!

WolvesAtTheDoor said...

Just plain full of wonder!!

Susoleto said...

pintando la luna! qué mágico!!!

Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Stunning and magical Ruthie, I think I'd like his book, another for the wish list then!

Thanks for dropping by, lets hope this New Year is happy, peaceful and healthy dear friend.

Hugs Jane x