Saturday 17 April 2010

shyrdaks, felted rugs . . .

from the nomadic people of kyrgyzstan
"patterns that tell stories
from the mountains of heaven"


Jasmine said...

So beautiful. I am really looking forward to the weather staying warm enough so that i can make rugs in the garden.

Hope all is well with you and yoursa. Have a great weekend xJ

JJ said...

Isn't it sad that there are people so consumed with mindless xenophobia that they don't see what beauty there is everywhere in the world? Well done for opening the window, Ruthie.

A mermaid in the attic said...

Mmmm, lovely...I'm a confirmed floor-sitter, so soft mats and big cushions are particular favourites!

Ruthie Redden said...

Jasmine , me too, when the weather is good we "live" outside.

Jeff, it really is, i wish folk could open their eyes, just imagine what a world we could live in.

Christina - me too, if i sit on a chair i always find myself perched right on the edge! lol

Cobalt Violet said...

Fantastic! I love these!

My Mom has collected textiles from that part of the world and they really are so incredibly beautiful. She is hoping to show them for educational purposes, showing people beautiful things from that part of the world.