Wednesday 25 November 2009

faerie furnishings . . . diana heyne

the loveliest of faerie furnishings & allsorts
to buy visit here


Julies_Choice said...

That's so pretty :)

Minna said...


Anonymous said...

Lovely! Where can I buy one?

Jess said...

Oh how sweet!x

Tanith said...

These are tiny marvels!! So much work has gone into them :))

Caio Fern said...

this is so great !! i feel like to build one and live inside !!!
thank you Ruth !!!

PurestGreen said...

If I was very very small I would live there.

Ruthie Redden said...

OOh, i can see you are all as enchanted with these tiny creations as i am. Fo those of you who were wondering where you can but dianes things i have now included a link to her etsy shop ! thank you all for visiting x

Alina said...

What a beautiful caravan! I can just imagine the places it'd take me to :)

A mermaid in the attic said...

My girls came home from school just as I was having a look at Diane's website...and they made me click EVERY single thumbnail and show them the large versions (several times over)! Lovely...I want a gypsy caravan just like that for me!

Laura {Gypsea Tree} said...

Oh my! Naturally, I am swooning...

Ruthie Redden said...

Alina, me too i can just picture it tootling along and stopping under an old oak whilst a camp fire was kindled and a cup of tea brewed ;-)

Christina - i love childrens intrigue in all things faerie,i wish my girls were still small enough to get excited over them. sighs x

Laura - it seems to have that affect on many lol x