Thursday 29 October 2009

poetry tiles . . .

"Do you love poetry enough to liberate it from the bookshelf
and bring it into your everyday life? "
if so a visit to poetry tiles
is a must . . .


Jo Potter said...

Stunning tiles... What a great idea, having poetry written on the tiles with the hare design.:)

Danielle Barlow said...

Beautiful - I am lucky enough to own one of her crow tiles!

Delphyne said...

These are so gorgeous - her site doesn't say how to purchase them, though.

christina said...

Ruthie, where DO you find all these wonderful things?! I now have to keep a special notebook by the computer to scribble notes, ideas, quotes and goodness knows what else in because of some of the wonderful things, INSPIRING things I'm finding in blogs like yours. As of yesterday it has a page of quotes found on these poetry tiles...they are gorgeous, I'd love to own one!

Jasmine said...

I love these tiles.

Have a new computer so can now visit this site again too. Hope you are well x

Ruthie Redden said...

Danielle - you are indeed lucky, they are so beautiful!

Delphyne , i guess you have to contact her via e-mail to make enquiries

Christina that is just what i do, i have a notebook with me all the time, i also have a folder on my comp just full of wonderful "finds" , that was why i decided to start sharing them on here x

Artemisia said...

Beautiful hand!