Tuesday 22 December 2009

heidi wastweet . . .sculpture

bas-relief sculptures by
"strong characters & symbolism"
each piece tells a story


Jo Potter said...

Wow... This is a very powerful sculpture. Really strong and beautiful work...
I have left you a message on the Celtic Knotwork as well.;)
Many thanks for your email.

Anonymous said...

You always find such wonderful art. This is so powerful!
Oh just read Joanne May's message, I get the same feeling from it.

Have a great Christmas Ruthie!



Richard Jesse Watson said...

Thanks so much, Ruthie, for sharing this artist with us, she is remarkable. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Ruthie Redden said...

Jo & julie-ann - - as soon as i came across this artists work i was smitten, beautifu & speaks volumes too!

Richard - thank you, hope you have a very merry christmas too x