Monday, 24 December 2012

Friday, 14 December 2012

Paper Christmas trees to make . . .

You all must know how I love re-cycling
well these sweet christmas tree decorations
are just a perfect example.
The lovely Jules shows how to make them
over on her blog   "Adventures in Thread" 

*  *  *
For those of you on Facebook,  every Friday
I feature a make it  "Project for the weekend 
on my facebook page here if you're interested.
also lots of other arty, crafty hints, tips & inspirations.
It would be lovely to see you there !

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

A feast of colour & pattern

This is a favourite blog I came across a while ago
the owner of the blog Elena Nuez has a wonderful eye
for colour, form, pattern as you will see from her photography.
Her site is filled with the beautiful images she takes
and the items she creates, which are for sale in her etsy shop here