Monday 14 March 2011

there be dragons . . .

tiny hand carved dragons


Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Good moning Ruthie,as the policeman in 'allo allo' would have said!

These are delightful!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the Filigree! Their website is already in my favorites bar, and I had bought 4 of those wonderful papers of theirs (which I enjoy much more than our local newspaper). They are such a creative couple. Thanks for sharing!

Lady Godiva said...

Simply enchanting!

Donna~Q~ said...

Hi Ruthie! Wee dragons ~ now that's a great way to start the week! That etsy shop is also all kinds of charming :~)

Cobalt Violet said...

Oh my goodness! I love the bird on his foot! How cute!! :)

Daniel Green said...

I always really love fantasy dragon stuff. Loved the film How To Train Your Dragon.

The bird on his foot is indeed very cute! :-)