Friday 1 October 2010

ivy bike lock . . .

wonderful bike lock design
sono mocci
the reasoning behind the design is great


Crafts @ Home said...

This makes me laugh, some of our old bikes in the garden are locked up with bindweed! very pretty:)

Anonymous said...

is so original! i love it

The Art of Kim Kincaid said...

This is so cool! Where do you find these?

Róisín said...

You've posted three times since I last called in here and I honestly don't know which of the three items I find most wonderful! Maybe this one. I do love the wood carving and the brooch, but can you just imagine how prettier towns and cities would be if everybike was locked up with one of these? They're genius!

Anko said...

thanks, this is so beautiful!

Artemisia said...

Beautiful creation!!! but so light if you live in the middle of Milan!^^
And is not my case.

hugs from far far away
la Zia Artemisia

Wendie-kins said...

this is so pretty! and a lovely idea :o) but alas I think it wouldnt stop a bike thief :o(