hayv kahraman & here
"Filled with desire, I paint for redemption and salvation,
"Filled with desire, I paint for redemption and salvation,
hoping one day humanity will witness a profound change"
* * *
achingly beautiful work
telling tales of female identity in hayv's homeland
Such beautiful works.
The loveliest girl in the world is still available to buy in hardback. It costs aprox £65 incl p&p. If you want a copy you can email the contact on the web page x
This is stunning! Where is the artist's homeland? This has a medieval look to it...Anita
OOh Jasmine !!! thanks, i had been meaning to look into that more, i have a birthday coming up (hints to mr O lol)
Anita - it was the medieval look that first attracted me to this artists work. Hayv comes from Iraq, her work subtly & cleverly tells of the oppression of women in her country.
she writes "Through an inherent childlike innocence in movement and form, in contrast with the harsh reality of war, these highly figurative yet two-dimensional personas represent the dichotomy of agony and gaiety, the duality of dreams and reality, peace and war. These surreal documentations of truth are the essence of my creative representation. ...... I endeavor to refocus the felt pain into an investment in the human capability to overcome and prevail. "
Her web site is fascinating, from the very start when a line of babushkas jump out and welcome you in, the the meaning behind her works, well worth a visit.
Beautiful work and oh, if only I could make such an impact on the world!!!!
Wonderful, exquisite, and Ruthie, thank you for the background information.
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