Monday 22 June 2009

grace notes - portraiture

perfect portraits at
by aurora vanderbosch


Hermes said...

That is really good - very Pre-Raphaelite in look.

Acornmoon said...

Hermes has said it for me, I thought it was a painting. How beautiful.

Jess said...

Gosh! I thought it was a pre-raphaelite painting I hadn't seen before! What an incredible subject this lady is, her hair is lovely isn't it?x

Ruthie Redden said...

It is beautiful isn't it, there are so many wonderful portraiture photographs on her site like this it was hard to choose!

Aurora Vanderbosch said...

Ruthie--thanks for including me here! I'm delighted and honored to be in such remarkably good company! :) (And may I just say that after even just a 20 minute "skim" through some of the other artists you've featured here, my throat is hoarse, from squealing with glee! WONDERFUL finds you have here--just marvelous! :))

Julia Guthrie said...

Thats a photograph??? wow..