Thursday 11 June 2009

a woodland home. . .simon dale

simon dale's wonderfully enviromental
& tales of the why's & the hows


Jo Potter said...

Now this is the home for me. Just wonderful!:)
Ruthie I don't know if you got my message on your other blog but I have an award waiting for you on my site. You are welcome to collect it if you want to.:)

Ruthie Redden said...

thank you joanne, so lovely to receive this award, i am having real trouble viewing your blog, think my comp has a glitch!! bloomin things !!

Caio Fern said...

this is a wonderfull version of it !!

Maia T said...

What a beauty. I should like to have one too.

Morgaine le Fée said...

This is a kind of my dream house.
Thanks for this link.

Ruthie Redden said...

Caio, Maia, Morgaine - wouldn't it be wonderful to live in wee houses cuch as this, tucked in amongst the trees, thank you for your comments all x x