Saturday 5 June 2010

paper flowers to make . . .

thought these are a wonderful idea
plantable seeded paper flowers
to make


Victoria said...

Truly so sweet and charming!

Carole said...

love these :)

Cobalt Violet said...

O.K. I am trying this! Thanks!

Anthropomorphica said...

Great idea and much more fun than a pack of seeds.

Ruthie Redden said...

Aren't they great, i can see lots of my family getting these as presents!;-) it is my aim this year to make all the gifts i give.

Róisín said...

Paper flowers- yipee! I've been nattering on to my friends about these for some months now. I got engaged a while back but we're both broke so it'll be a wedding on the cheap. This is my main decor plan! I really should start now though... Anyway, I only meant to make them out of tissue paper but I did intend the invitation paper to be plantable. Now I'm going to combine the two!