Saturday 27 March 2010

recycling sculptures . . .

sculptured re-cycled car parts


JJ said...

For some reason, this put me in mind of that old question of whether a sculptor who works from a solid block is actually creating or simply revealing. A different angle, maybe.

Dorote said...

I love the idea of recicling, and when a bunch of crap becomes a true art work - what can be better!?
Thank you for sharing!

A mermaid in the attic said...

I love this kind of day I want to make some...when we've got a shed, and my other half shows me how to use the welder! Went to see the "Sculpture by the Sea" at Cottesloe Beach here in Perth last week, and there was a gorgeous full-size horse made out of old car bits and stuff...loved it!

Ruthie Redden said...

Thank all.

Jeff, i really like that idea!!

Dorote - I am fascinated by the recycling of things, i hate that this society is so throw away.

Christina, sounds good too me, there are always so many interesting things to try out & never enough time x