Friday 29 January 2010

delicious wrappers. . .

cupcake wrappers almost as delicious as the cakes


Jess said...

Oh just look at that deliciousness!

Ruthie Redden said...

mmm, i know, i have become fixated on wanting cake today x

salty pebble said...

oh my days!! my mouth is watering and ive gained a stone just by looking!! hehe wonderful cakeys for my belly hehe ;0)xxxxx

Richard Jesse Watson said...

Where do you find these delights, Ruthie? It's too late to eat tonight, but when I wake up in the morning, I'm going to go looking for something so tantalizing.

A mermaid in the attic said...

Hmmm, now the challenge is to produce a cupcake that's worthy...I'm not sure mine would be!